

Slacker? Not me...

...or at least I'm trying not to be one (anymore). I've been slacking off lately that when it gets dark, I always feel like I haven't done anything during the day. Internet especially Facebook takes up a lot of my time. So I listed a few stuff that I'm going to spend my time on before sitting down for Facebook because once I sit down in front of the laptop, I'm glued to my chair for the rest of the day.

So these are the things that I added to my daily routine:

1. The Book of Mormon challenge. Our ward challenges us members to read the BoM cover to cover by August. The reading started in March 1, so the members were supposed to read the first Chapter that day (although we are not obliged to). But guess what? I only started today. What a big procrastinator I am! Good thing the challenge calls for only one to a few chapters a day so I'll catch up by reading more each day.

Had I started reading on March 1 and continued, I would have been on the chapter and verse circled in red by now, but since I didn't start until today and I had to read from the very first chapter and verse, and I read 7 verses this morning, I'm only at the chapter and verse circled in blue. So you can see how much I need to catch up on.

2. Books and more books
The first 3 books on top of the pile in the picture (A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, Jesus the Christ, and The World's Religions) are the ones that I'll start reading one by one until I've read them all 3. The rest of the books in the pile are the ones that I've already finished reading but will read again from time to time. You can see that all my books are non-fiction. They're all about other people's opinions. I like intelligent and successful people and I'm always interested in what they have to say. I don't know why I don't like novels, the same way that I don't like movies very much, unless they're based on a real-life story.

3. Getting back in shape. The last time I went jogging and did Pilates was a year ago. Sometime last year, my menstrual cycle was delayed for 3 weeks and I thought I was prego so I stopped exercising. But when it was confirmed negative, I was too lazy to go back to my workout routine. That's how I am in almost everything. Once I start doing something, there's no stopping me. But when I do stop, it will take a lot of convincing to get myself to do it again. I miss working out. One thing I love about exercising is feeling energized throughout the whole day. I feel good about myself, I feel positive about everything. So time for the dumbbells and workout mat to come out of the storage closet.

4. 365 Photo Project. I'm going to take at least one photo a day either indoor our outdoor for a year. So that will be at least 365 photos total by April 8, 2011. I will post some of the photos on this blog and some on my photo blog.
Here are 2 from today:

My precious ring (and I say that like Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, haha)

Picture from Day 2 is here.

5. Last by not the least, learn to habla EspaƱol. Haha, I don't even know if that is the correct way to say it but what I mean is, learn to speak Spanish. Brandon has been learning Japanese through Rosetta Stone so I'm thinking about learning Spanish too, not really looking forward to become fluent, just to be able to construct some sentences is good enough for me.

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