

Sing it! Eat it!

My new friend Joy invited me and some other Pinoys for dinner at her apartment Monday night. Joy and I are from the same town in the Philippines but I never got to meet her back then especially that she lived in Southern Leyte which is my province for only 4 years then moved to Luzon. She lived with her uncle and his family in Southern Leyte while attending high school there. Like my dad, Joy's uncle is a cop too (I'm not sure if he retired) and my family knows him pretty well.

For Filipinos, get together means videoke and lots of food... in other word, a feast! :)

chicken adobo cooking

Joy started the videoke. This picture tells me that I need to get bangs. :P

It only takes one song to pump up our energy.

Dream Girls :D

Turn of our "birit" queen, Terie, to sing :D

shakin' some boo-tay :P

If a picture paints a thousand words, these photos perfectly define JOY (both her and the word itself)

group picture minus the one taking it.


Wyatt's Day Out

Brandon and I are probably the only people on earth who walk a cat out. I mean, who does that? Others just let their cats walk out the door, then let them back in later. I kinda explained in one of my previous posts (read here) why Wyatt has to be on a leash whenever he's out.

I'm the one who always insists that Wyatt should be taken out for a walk. It was a very nice day and I felt bad for Wyatt for being inside the house all day everyday. His daily routine is to sit on the windowsill when he wakes up in the morning, nap on the bed at noon, and eat even if he's not hungry. It's been almost a year since the last time he stepped outside the house. So yesterday, I asked Brandon to take him out for a short walk.


He had a hard time walking on the rocks.

While Brandon was following the cat, he tripped over the rocks and made a lot of noises. This scared Wyatt that he went so crazy. He was going to run away fast but Brandon was quick enough to stop him. Wyatt tried his best to escape from Brandon that his leash was already coming off, but Brandon managed to keep the cat held tight in his arms. In this picture, Brandon is petting Wyatt to calm him down. As you can see, his leash is off.

Wyatt was only out for less than 10 minutes but we were worried that if he stayed longer, he might try to run off again so we had to take him inside. Thus, his mean face in this picture. :P

back inside the house


When Bored Girls Go Out's fun! fun! fun!

Warning: Gazillion of pictures ahead.

I hanged out with my friends Terie and Ewa on Monday. We ate at a Filipino restaurant, then went window shopping at the Fashion Place Mall. Sure, it's fun when I'm out with Brandon on his day off, but it's a different kind of fun when I'm with my girl friends. It means lots of laughters and craziness. I've told you a little about Terie in one of my previous posts (read here). Ewa is from Cebu, she and Terie became friends first then Terie introduced her to me. They're 2 of the coolest people to spend time with and I don't have to be NOT myself when I'm with them.

I'll just let the pictures and their captions tell you the rest of the story.

Terie (left) and Ewa while we were waiting for our order at Five Star restaurant

I sooo love how candid this shot is. Terie and I were having so much fun striking different poses while Ewa was continuously taking the pictures, then we noticed that some people were watching us from the restaurant glass window. I was like "Oh my gosh, they're staring at us!", then we stopped and laughed so hard. :D

At the mall, flirtin' with these mannequins at Macy's. :P

We passed by this Sephora billboard and this photo idea popped in my head.

Taking a break from testing the Victoria's Secret testers and trying on shoes at Nordstrom, haha.

Strutting our stuff inside the Macy's bathroom...

...and going crazy...

...and crazier.

Thank you ladies for that fun-loaded afternoon. Can't wait for our next date. :)


Hangin' Out with the Birds

I really love parks. Even though there's not a lot to do at a park, I just love sitting on the grass on a not-too-sunny day, chit-chatting with my husband while munching our burgers, feeling the calming soft blow of the wind, watching cute little children run around and fly their kites, and being amused by the birds fighting over the food when someone feeds 'em. A few hours at the park is like the best way for me to relieve stress.

Sugar House park is one of the nicest parks in SLC. It has a huge pond on the center with lots and lots of birds swimming on it (as you can see in the first photo), which is in a way a bad thing because you can get pooped on by these birds anytime. Aside from the pond and birds, Sugar House park also has a nice view of the big beautiful mountains that surround the city. It is especially nice to hang around here on Spring where the snow on the mountains have barely melted. When the sun shines on the snowed mountains, it makes them look kinda glittery. You can see the white mountains sparkle and it's just breath-taking.

This bird is funny. I have a story of her here. :P

I thought these dogs were going to fight but they didn't. Instead they gave each other kisses. :)

As usual, Brandon wouldn't look at the camera.

And as usual, I'm "pa-kyut" haha.