

Wyatt's Day Out

Brandon and I are probably the only people on earth who walk a cat out. I mean, who does that? Others just let their cats walk out the door, then let them back in later. I kinda explained in one of my previous posts (read here) why Wyatt has to be on a leash whenever he's out.

I'm the one who always insists that Wyatt should be taken out for a walk. It was a very nice day and I felt bad for Wyatt for being inside the house all day everyday. His daily routine is to sit on the windowsill when he wakes up in the morning, nap on the bed at noon, and eat even if he's not hungry. It's been almost a year since the last time he stepped outside the house. So yesterday, I asked Brandon to take him out for a short walk.


He had a hard time walking on the rocks.

While Brandon was following the cat, he tripped over the rocks and made a lot of noises. This scared Wyatt that he went so crazy. He was going to run away fast but Brandon was quick enough to stop him. Wyatt tried his best to escape from Brandon that his leash was already coming off, but Brandon managed to keep the cat held tight in his arms. In this picture, Brandon is petting Wyatt to calm him down. As you can see, his leash is off.

Wyatt was only out for less than 10 minutes but we were worried that if he stayed longer, he might try to run off again so we had to take him inside. Thus, his mean face in this picture. :P

back inside the house

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