Click here for Part 1
Click here for Part 2
Click here for Part 3
Brandon and I don't really have a timeline on when to have our first baby. It's not that we don't want one, we just don't feel ready. Well, actually Brandon is ok about having one soon but it's me who always say no. Before I got married, I used to think of bearing a child immediately after the wedding, like within a year. Maybe because I grew up in a country where babies come either before marriage or shortly after. Living in the USA and seeing the Americans' way of life definitely gave me a better understanding on a lot of things, parenthood being one of them. I feel like I woke up to the reality that being a mom is a lifetime responsibility, and without a doubt the biggest responsibility a woman can place on her hands. And I don't want to be faced with that responsibility financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically unprepared.
Like I mentioned in part 2, Brandon's younger sister has a baby boy. He is sooo adorable that I couldn't get enough of him. Here are few pictures of me taking care of Parker while his mom was at work. I was his nanny for the whole day that day. I fed him, changed his diapers, played with him, hushed him when he cried, and put him to other words, I practiced mothering with him that day. Honestly, it was more fun than stressful.
These 2 were taken after doing the family pictures (see part 2). Don't we look cute as a family? :D
One day, you'll see me and Brandon on this blog holding our own baby/ies. I promise! :P
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