Ok, I'm back.
Brandon and I went on a 7-day vacation to Florida and had a great time, which is the reason why I haven't posted anything here or on my
photography blog in a while. Brandon is originally from FL and I lived there for about a year. We left Florida in August 2008, so it's been almost 2 years. It was nice to see Pensacola Beach again and all those lovely palm trees, and of course it was also great to see and spend time with my in-laws. I couldn't help but notice how different Utah is from Florida and vice versa. Florida is flat, Utah is mountainous. Florida is green, Utah is...should I say brown? Florida is humid, Utah is dry. Florida has beautiful beaches while Utah has breath-takingly gorgeous giant rocky mountains. Utah has that outdoorsy, country feel while Florida is laid-back. I don't know how else to explain my comparison but I'm lucky for having had the opportunity to live in these lovely states.
As you can read in the title, this is the first part of the whole Florida vacation. I took too many pictures that if I put all of them together in one post, it'd look like an album. So I have to blog about 'em separately.
Part 1 is all about our flight. We flew with Delta from Salt Lake to Denver, Denver to Memphis, then Memphis to Pensacola. Speaking of flying, this trip helped me overcome my fear of height. Thirty (30) feet above the ground or higher gives me that crazy feeling in my stomach. I remember when Brandon and I flew from Tampa to Pensacola, the 45-minute ride seemed like forever to me, the thought of crashing lurked in my head throughout the whole flight, and I was holding on to my husband's arm like a little kid with my eyes closed until we landed on the Pensacola airport. Whenever we'd go somewhere that's 7-8 hours away, I had always preferred driving over flying. As we boarded on the plane at the Salt Lake City airport on Thursday, I reminded myself that this was the right time to overcome my fear or I might not survive the trip. I was constantly telling myself that it was all in my mind, and surprisingly, it worked, although the bumpy flight from Denver to Memphis almost made me cry. Sitting on the window seat helped a lot. It made it easier for me to ignore the fear and focus my mind on the beauty that I rarely get to see. I couldn't help but appreciate how beautiful it is up there. Flying above the clouds and seeing the sun rise felt very heavenly. It gave me the feeling of freedom and peace. I also became more appreciative of the human intelligence for making it possible for us to soar above the sky, and amazed at how a plane can fly hundreds of miles an hour, and how strong it is enough to withstand an ugly weather and several turbulences and remain stable. I can say that I enjoyed all 6 flights of our trip, something that never happened before and I thought would be impossible.
Ok, so much for the talking. Here are the pictures from our flights. Enjoy!
Our flight from SLC to Denver was at 6 a.m. and we would have to leave the house at 4 a.m. so we just stayed awake all night. Poor B, he worked 8 hours that day, came home at 6 p.m. very tired, then didn't get to sleep.

Salt Lake City

Utah mountains

On the first plane we boarded, I was lucky to have a good view of the wing and watch the sun rise.

Just arrived in Denver airport. Take note of the long hair.

snowed Colorado mountains

I don't know what these are but they looked cool. Brandon said they might be farms. This was between Colorado and Tennessee.

Delta was very cheap with their snacks, didn't even give us the whole can of soda.

new bling



Stop-over in Memphis. Going home after 7 days. B got a haircut!

My husband looks sooo much better than me in the morning. Haha! I don't like putting make up on before 12 pm. It feels heavy on my face, it feels itchy, and it makes me cranky, lol. Besides, I'm a wash-and-wear kind of girl, make-up is a necessity only when I'm attending a party or going to Church on Sunday. I also want to feel very comfortable when travelling, and dressing up very casual and looking like I'm just chillin' at home helps me achieve that. So I don't care if the flight attendant thought I was a bum.

To read Part 2,
click here.