We went on a dinner cruise which was lovely except for the ticket price and the "baby servings" of food, which was disappointing because the food was delish, and we wanted at least 5 more servings of each.
Brandon, eating as always. :D
He took this one. :)
Two things that take my breath away: my husband and sunset.
To add humor, here's a picture that John Freida could use as an ad for their anti-frizz (more like anti-crazy hair) products. Where was my ponytail when I needed it most? To the stranger who was sweet enough to offer to take this picture of us, if Google happened to send you to my blog and you're reading this post, THANK YOU for the favor...
...and to the waitress who took a few seconds of her busy working hours to take this shot.
And lastly, thank you sunset for making the night more romantic than it already was. We felt like Jack and Rose while standing on the deck and watching you fade away. Ha!